Di Foster | Thriving After a Secondary Terminal Cancer Diagnosis | Episode 02
What do you do when you are given a terminal cancer diagnosis that gives you 365 days to live? Try and tick off everything on your bucket list? Cry yourself to sleep and not get out of bed? Or madly try every alternative therapy?
How about get married, become pregnant and decide to have a baby as well as achieve your second black belt in karate?! Sounds pretty wild, but this is what motivational speaker and business coach, Di Foster did when she received that news.
Instead of overreacting, Di slowed things down, became more present and more grateful then ever before and experienced the joy of celebrating the simple things in life, like drinking tea out of lovely ceramics.
11 years later Di is still here to share her remarkable story and pearls of wisdom about what truly living a life on your own terms means. A little warning here, yes we speak about cancer but this is not a “cancer” story, it’s a life story – and does not constitute medical advice and as Di would say, the power is in you to know what is right for you. I hope that you enjoy this inspiring chat with an incredibly positive woman.
Key Takeaways
The power of gratitude and slowing down
Tuning into your intuition and what your body and gut is telling you
Cultivating self-awareness and listening to your intuition
Alternative medical pathways
Dani’s Mum’s Sponge Recipe… https://www.instagram.com/p/COcY0qzBPzk/
Di Foster Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/difoster.live/
Di Foster Website: www.difoster.com
Di Foster Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/di-foster/
Dani Venn Instagram: www.instagram.com/danivenn
Dani Venn Website: www.danivenn.com/fallingforyou
Book References:
Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty: https://www.amazon.com.au/Think-Like-Monk-Train-Purpose-ebook/dp/B07Y5S56DK
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse: https://www.amazon.com.au/Boy-Mole-Fox-Horse/dp/1529105102/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3RNYU9Q22SD4J&dchild=1&keywords=the+boy+the+fox+the+mole+and+the+hours&qid=1626912023&sprefix=the+boy+the+fox+the+mole+and+%2Cdigital-text%2C323&sr=8-1